260420 "5 Kettlebell Exercises That Will Make YOU a Better Athlete"

Kettlebells are uniquely Russian. The geometrically simplicstic and rudimentary tools were adopted over 300 years ago by Russian Strongmen who wanted to build absolute strength. Originally used as weights for feed and grain sales, the tool has become one of the most important tools in training. Today, we swing them, press them, throw them, and carry them in hopes of tapping into our strongest self. My passion for this tool is clearly displayed in the Tough Mudder bootcamp Methodology, where we do a lot more with them than the average gym. I wanted to give you some exercises that are staples in my training and can help you break out of the monotony and into real athleticism. So grab your Bell and lets play fitness!

Now if you don’t train with Kettlebells, go ahead and slap yourself and get online now… Buy a couple. You will need a light weight and a heavy weight for your garage gym. Literally if you have a couple kettlebells , a cup rope and a Pull up bar, you have a pretty damn good gauge set up in my opinion .. But, if you want you want to rap more about that , let talk … for now lets get into some exercises.

Turkish Get Up.
Far and away the most comprehensive exercise for shoulder and core stability, a demonstration of how flexible and mobile you are throughout the body; and of course it is a damn good full body strength training exercise.
If Functional Fitness is truly “Core to Extremity” training systems, then the TGU will certainly be a good barometer of how fit you actually are. Although this is not a flashy, “HIIT” exercise where you pirate your body and try not to FUGAZI yourself; the controlled manner will get you heart racing after 3 reps on each side.
Here is how to do it..
-Begin in a supine position on the floor.
-Press and lock out the Kettlebell Overhead.
-Place the corresponding Foot up near the butt. The non-working arm is extended to the side of the body. -Keeping the eyes up at the ceiling, Roll to the elbow, Then the hand.
-Use the bracing leg to bridge the hips, swing the leg under and through, rotating the hips.
-Position the body in an overhead Lunge Position . reposition the foot and then stand up.
-Keep the elbow locked out and shoulder shrugged up to the ear.
-To return to the floor, perform all moves in reverse. 

Single Arm Kettlebell Bent Row.
My Programming uses a 75/25 Rule. I pull 75% and Press 25%. The reason why is that the Posterior Chain comprises the largest and most comprehensive muscle groups in the body. As well, even if your task is to press and object away from your center mass, you will undoubtedly be stronger If you antagonist muscles are strong and able to support the action.
The Single Arm bent Row is not just a Horizontal Pulling Exercise. It incorporates core strength through anti-rotation and stability. The body ability to fight the rotation of the trunk and shoulders is a sign of strength. As well, when the athlete is in the bent position, the hips and hamstrings are FIRING to maintain position. This simple exercise develops strength throughout the body and prepares us for open chain exercises like lateral shuffles and even sprinting!!
Here is how to do it…
-Hinge at the waist with the back flat and core tight.
-Allow the knee to bend so as to allow the hip to travel backward.
-Keep the shoulders retracted and pull the KB to the chest, tracking the elbow along the side of the body close tot he ribcage.

Bottom Up Kettlebell Press
If you think you are a strong athlete with bulletproof shoulders, then I challenge you to a press off. Take the Kettlebell which you probably have neatly racked in the front of the body and flip it over!. I have seen many athletes humbled when I take their 50# weight away and give them a 13# weight for bottom up presses.
I love this underutilized exercise because it is really a corrective and TRUE strength training exercise. The reason is that if your small stabilizing muscles in the rotator cuff, wrist and even in your upper back are not on point, this exercise will put you down quickly. Like the Turkish Get up, you will not move fast, rather this exercise is all bout control and tempo. But practicing these types of presses will increase your overall barbell press as well as create a hedge against shoulder injury.
Here is how….
-Begin by gripping the kettlebell handle firmly, with the bell facing the ceiling .
-Hug the elbow into the body to increase stability.
-With the feet under the hips and the core engaged, press and lock out the kettlebell overhead.
-Keep the head neutral and upper back engaged during press.
-Perfrom unilaterally .

Kettlebell Pallof Press
The Pallof Press truly challenges the ‘core to extremity’ principle of core training. Unlike other upper body primal exercises like the vertical press or floor press; the midline is challenged in a unique manner.
Your spinal erectors are the muscles of the low back which help keep you upright and both assist in the stability of the spine during rotation and fight it when rotation is not desired. This pressing movement challenges not only the shoulder stability but also those muscles that run throughout the spine. The reason why I like this exercise is 1) It is a Horizontal Press and Pull in one 2) The amount of core stability(that means back as well) it takes to perform this exercise is off the chart 3) You can make this a rotational exercise as well!!
Here is how….
-Begin with the kettlebell in the front rack position with the feet outside Hip width.
-Holding either the bell itself or the handle depends on what is comfortable to you.
-Engage the Lats and the muscles of the upper back.
-With the Core locked on, press the Kettlebell away from the body without dropping the chest forward.
-Pull the kettlebell back to the chest under control.
-ADD a Spinal Rotation, pivoting through the Hips and upper back “Punching” the Kettlebell to the left and right.

Kettlebell Snatch
I would be remiss if I did not include at least 1 sexy Power Exercise. So here is my favorite. I love teaching this to novice athletes because once they master not only the dynamic hip extension and sequence of the movement; they also gain kinesthetic awareness because the Kettlebell needs to move around the body in space and with speed.
This is a full body exercise which highlights the hinge of the hips, hip extension, vertical pulling and vertical pressing. Not to mention, if you dont want to blow your shoulder out, you need to be vary conscious of how to “punch and lock”.
Here is how…
-Begin with the Kettlebell between the legs and the feet under the hips.
-Hinge at the waist with the back flat and core tight.
-Hike the Kettlebell through the legs and then push the hips forward into the forearm.
-Shrug the shoulder and finally PUNCH the Kettlebell out to lock out overhead.
-There is no pause at the shoulder, it is one motion from the ground to overhead.

There are heaps more exercises you can do with the Kettlebell besides these 5 but I wanted to maybe give you some exercises that may not be in your prevue. Squat, Hinge, Press, Pull, Walk… whatever you want to do with this dynamic tool, if you can think it.. do it. There are tons of videos online, training programs and certifications if you want to go down the rabbit hole. So get after it and Ill be here to help you in any way I can along the way..

Programming Notes 4/27-5/1 *** This is week 6 of the Muscular Endurance/ Power Training. This week The Work to Rest Ratio is cut down substantially. Tuesday and Friday are our longer days with sustained work in excess of 15 mins at 85% output. Monday and Wednesday are power workouts with the focus on Hip Power and Speed. Thursday we sprint.
Assault Bike For 5:00 @ Moderate Pace. Perform 3X :15 Sprints at any time during the 5:00.
10 X Elbow To Instep + Reach
10 X Hamstring Pulses
10 X Bow /Bend
10 X Side Lunges
10 X Trunk Twist
10 X Jump Lunges
10 X Vertical Jumps *Ballistic

Clean Warm Up:
7 @ Each
-Barbell Good Mornings
-Barbell Romanian Deadlift
-Barbell Muscle Clean
-Hang Power Clean
-Front Squat
-Pausing Squat Clean

Clean Complex:
5 Sets on the 1:30. (Moderate Weight)
-1X Power Clean
-1X Hang Power Clean and Jerk

5 Sets on the 1:30. (Heavy, Building)
-2X Deadlift
-1 X Power Clean

2X 6 Minute AMRAP
10 Lateral Line Touch @ 10’
8 Deadlift 135/95
6 Hang Power Clean
-Rest 3 Mins Between-

400m Run
10 Banded Pass Thru
10 banded Trunk Circles
10 Banded Overhead Squat
10 Hollow Rocks

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Muscular Endurance :
4 Sets;
1:00 Back Squat
:20 Squat Hold
1;00 Front Rack Step Ups 20/18”
*Bar Does not get put down once picked up
*Rest as needed between sets.

3 Rounds
30 Overhead Squats 115/75
30 Burpee Box Jumps
30 Toes To bar

4X :30 @ Each
-Jumping Jacks
-Flutter Kicks
-Bow/ Bend
-Kip Swings

Gymnastic Strength:
4 Sets,
:20 Chin Over Bar Hold
:20 L Sit
:20 Side Plank Hold ‘L’
:20 Side Plank Hold ‘R’

3 Sets;
3 Rounds Per Set.
10 Double Dumbbell Snatch
100m Farmer Carry
10 Pull Ups
-Rest 2:00 Between Sets-

Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
Elbow To instep Lunge
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
High Knee Pull 
Quad Pull + Up Onto toes
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
A Skip
B Skip
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle 
Lateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction

Shoulder Prep:
10 @
Banded Pull Aparts
Banded Pass Thru
Banded Bench Press
Banded Press and Rip
Banded Reverse Flys

Barbell Floor Press
*Building to Heaviest

Sprint Work:
8 X 200m Shuttle Sprints
(100 out // 100 Back)
-Rest As Needed Between-

5:00 Easy Biking.
5 Plank Walk Outs
5 Dive Bomber Push Ups
5 Elbow To Instep Lunges
:20 Ring Support Bottom

Shoulder Prep W/ 5# Plates:
-Bent Scarecrow + External Rotation
-Bent Reverse Flys
-Bent Scarecrow + Press
-Bent Supermans
-Standing Corkscrews
-standing front Raises
-Standing Lateral Raises
-Standing Y Press
-Standing Cross Over Presses

Skill Work:
Ascending Reps by 2’ For 10 Mins.
-Ring Dips
-Cal bike
*@ 80% output on Ring Dips. Bike cals should be all out.

For Time
30 Jump Lunges, 3K Bike
20 Jump Lunges, 2k Bike
10 Jump Lunges, 1k Bike