080620 "Caffeine, Cortisol and Getting Back to the Gym"

The feeling of ‘Losing Your Mind’ is normal. Especially these days. We have not even made it through one worldwide crisis when all of a sudden the entire world has busted loose (rightfully so) into next level social upheaval. While we maintain civility both in our homes out in public, there is something that has been brewing and festering in our bodies for months now… stress. Yes, stress. The silent killer, the scourge of performance, the strainer of relationships, the most deadly symptom of the COVID. But yet we carry on, maintaining our nutritional routines; often to the detriment of our health.

One thing that I want to call your attention to is caffeine consumption and its compounding effects on the steady state of stress and associated hormones that course through your veins. I call this to our attention today because as we ease back into normalcy, and the gym, we need to keep a keen eye focused on our performance and how we “FEEL”. While “FEELING” is something that many of us just ignore, this subjective analysis needs to guide out re-integration back into the gym and training.

Caffeine is the most pervasive drug in our culture next to sugar. Approximately 80% of us here in the US drink coffee each day according to the FDA. Caffeine binds to the same receptors in the GUT and Brain as ADENOSINE a key neurotransmitter that has effects on the heart, brain and circulatory system. Thinking about Adenosine in a vary simple way; This Nucleotide ‘CALMS’ the body and Caffeine ‘STRESSES’ the body.

While we can tolerate some of this drugs effects and mitigate it through tolerance (daily intake) or genetically being less receptive to it; the compounding effects of caffeine and constant stress can have really harmful effects on the body.

So lets look down stream..

Caffeine effects the GUT and the Brain which are directly connected to the Adrenal Glands not he top of the Kidneys. The presence of caffeine and stress stimulate the release of Cortisol and Epinephrine . These primal hormones control the sympathetic nervous system which is our “Fight or Flight” response. The release of these hormones is completely natural but an over production can do everything from give you a heart attack to cause the Cut on your arm to not heal !!

Now onto the gym.

We all are slowly booking our spots in the gym and are very excited to get back into some kind of normal routine. Leaving aside the fact that many of us haven’t been as diligent as we should have been for the past couple months, we need to be focusing on the duration and intensity of our sessions as we return.

Mind you, we have been in lock down for 3 months now and our bodies have been through A LOT! Daily stress levels and the associated Cortisol and Epinephrine dumps each day have contributed to excess production, accumulation and possible damage in our bodies. This needs to be taken into account when thinking about priming our bodies for a training session. Caffeine in the form of coffee or some energy drinks may be the WORST thing you can do for yourself before a session.

Studies have shown that caffeine intake before High Intensity Exercise can have adverse effects on performance. And it is clear through, after the explanation I have just given, why this is true. When you are coming into the gym, your Fight or Flight response is activated. Cortisol and Epinephrine are released which elevate your heart rate, increase your blood pressure, and your brain goes into a primal state. Caffeine binds with receptors that would otherwise keep you in balance and regulate hormone response.

Coupling the constant start of stress that we have been under for the past few months with caffeine can invariably be like throwing gasoline on a fire…You will eventually lose control. So I implore you to watch your caffeine intake around training time. In fact, you may want to limit caffeine all together to help increase sleep and recovery when you ease back into training. Even if you stop drinking coffee around 8:30 in the morning, it can have effects well into 8:30pm that evening!

Going off of ‘FEEL’ is going to be very important as life slowly emerges and environmental stress is dealt with. I recommend not only a change to your caffeine consumption but also nutrition writ large . As well, if you are accustomed to logging your workouts, I would encourage you to note nutrition and heart rate information in your daily habit to Asses wether you are overdoing it or not.

Because the cost is real!

Adrenal Fatigue, kidney damage, foggy brain, memory loss, Leaky GUT… these are all issues that arise from unchecked cortisol in the body. Of course, these long term issues are aside from the acute performance problems you will face when your body is red lining. So train right, find balance and Ill be her the entire time to support you.

Programming Notes 6/8-6/12 *** This is Week 2 of the Sprint Work Cycle. Gotta fun one for ya . Dynamic Sprint variations separated by step ups. Im excited to try this and hear your feedback. Hinging 2X this week Monday and Friday. And a long gymnastic piece on Thursday for a bit of aerobic volume.
15 Cal Bike
10 Divebomber Push Ups
5 Trunk Circles

Shoulder Mobility:
1:00 @ Each
-Lat Banded Stretch
-Bully Stretch
-Scapula Distraction Stretch

Snatch Warm Up:
7@ Each
-Snatch Deadlift
-Snatch High Pull
-Muscle Snatch
-Overhead Squat
-Back Rack Press
-Hang Power Snatch
-Squat Snatch Below the knee

5 Sets @l; 60%, 65%, 70%, 65%, 60%
3 Position Power Snatch
-Mid Thigh
-Below Knee

Power Snatch 75/55
Bike for Cals
Toes To Bar

400m Run
10 Single Leg Toe Touch
10 Lateral Lunges
10 2ct. Mountain Climbers

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

5 Rounds,
12 Reps
*Building to 70-75% of 1RM.

Sprint Work #2,
5 Rounds;
200m Sprint
Rest 1:00
20 Kettlebell Front Rack Step Up 20/18”
Rest 1:30
100m Sprint
Rest 2:00

8 Single Leg Hinge + High Knee Pull
8 Piked Push Ups
8 Deadbug Contralateral Reach
8 Lateral Jump Squats

Shoulder Prep:
10 @
Banded Pull Aparts
Banded Pass Thru
Banded Bench Press
Banded Press and Rip
Banded Reverse Flys

:30 ‘L’ Side Plank
100m DB Farmer Carry
:30 ‘R’ Side Plank

4 Rounds;
400 M Run,
then 4X of complex,
3 DB Power Clean
3 DB Thruster
3 DB Push Press

4X :30 @ Each
-Kip Swing
-Ankle Step Over (High Knees)
-Touch Down Jacks
-Calf March
-Push Up

Aerobic Conditioning:
2 Rounds for Time
50 Pull Ups
100 2ct. Flutter Kicks
150 Double Unders

Baseline :
1k Row
8 Bow and Bend
8 Trunk Circles
8 Wall Squat
8 Jump Lunges

Hamstring Primer:
Deficit Romanian Deadlift 135/95
Pendlay Row

Midline Prep:
:30 Supine Ring Row Hold
:30 Paralette L Sit

3X 5:00 Intervals
40 Cal Row
Then Max Rounds and Reps of;
8 Deadlift 245/165
8 Lateral box Jump Overs 24/20