100820 "Dissecting Grip Strength and What you Need to Increase It"

It has been Hard During COVID lockdown to truly train pull ups. Most of us do not have ready access to a pull up bar and have grown quite tired of doing the bent over rows. So now, as gyms open back up and we realize our lack of strength, we should break down one of the key components of the Pull Up; Grip Strength. Just like all other exercises, there is more than one way we need to view our Grip Strength and Of Course… multiple ways to train it.

For Years I have lectured athletes on the importance of Grip Strength. I often cite Studies that have shown Grip Strength to be a key indicator of your life span and longevity. Its easy to see right? Grip Strength involves both your large muscle groups in your forearms and biceps but also the small dexterous muscles in the thumb and fingers. So lets dive in on the differences in your ability and how to train them .

Supporting GRIP Strength.
As I always say, stability over dynamics. Your ability to hold an object in your grip and not let it go is classified as support strength. To put it even more simply, Support Strength is ISOMETRIC strength wherein the muscles of the hand grasp or hang without letting up. The longer you can hold or more weight you can support over time, the stronger you are.
——-> One of my favorite exercises for building Supporting Grip Strength is the Kettlebell Farmer Carry. The Farmer carry utilizes the full scope of musculature and strength in the arm and even the upper back. Gripping the handle of the KB, Retract the shoulders and engaged he core. Because you will have to work on the grip strength as well as the stability through the core, this exercise is 100% functional and amazing.

Clinch GRIP Strength.
Clinch Grip strength is what we weightlifters and Fitness enthusiasts have, through constant exposure in the gym. As you can guess, Clinch Grip is when the fingers clinch an object between them and the palm of the hand. The pocket of our palm is perfect for this type of grip which makes it the most widely trained. Balling your fist up right now, you can feel how the muscles of the forearm work in tandem with the muscles in the hand to support the weight. In weightlifting we also can ‘cheat’ the strength by performing a ‘Hook Grip’ on a bar or switching the positions with the thumb over the index finger on the pull up bar to help put our shoulder in external rotation.
———> I feel the best training for CLINCH GRIP is the Rope Climb. The rope climb is the dynamic and ‘real world’ version of the pull up. Ropes are awkward, slippery sometimes, usually 2+ inches wide, and of course you have to realize and re grip as you move up the rope. If climbing is tough there are scaling options like the Rope Pull up, Banded Rope Pull Up, Static hold, and Rope Lowers.

PINCH Grip Strength.
When I went on AMERICAN NINJA WARRIOR I found out real quick that this type of strength is something that I DO NOT have. Pinch Grip Strength utilizes the small muscles and tendons in the hand and fingers to support the body. As you can guess, Rock Climbers, Wrestlers, Strongmen all have this type of strength. Usually this type of strength is used at lighter loads than say the Clinch grip but not always. If you have ever eeked out a last rep on a deadlift or a pull up you may have felt your fingers slipping and supporting you. This is why we need to train Pinch Grip.
———> Pinch Plate carry or Rock Climbing is the best way to train both strength and dexterity in this type of strength. Like all other things, it takes time to develop the strength but also the neuro-muscular connections between all the small muscles in the fingers. My advice is to progress slow because I have heard of hand injuries resulting from doing too much to fast.

The cool thing is that Grip Strength training incorporates so much more FULL BODY strength training because you need to use all the muscles of the arm, upper back and core . Im excited for you to try these moves and build those Popeye forearms you always wanted. Additionally, there was once an elegance to the hand shake. I can’t tell you how disappointing it is to meet people who cant shake hands correctly. Grip Strength training is a sure fire way to make a good impression !

Programming Notes 8/10-8/14 *** This week We got HEAVY. Its been a while with all the aerobic training but it is time to revisit and see where we stand in our baseline. It is ok to not hit the numbers you want, be realistic. M/W/F are heavy days do train appropriately. 
400m Run
8 Elbow TO Instep Lunges
8 Wall Squats
8 Push Up W/ Shoulder Tap

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Strength WOD;
EMOM 20:
A- 3 X BackSquat 315/225
B- 10 X Dumbbell Push Up + Row 50/35

5:00 Easy Biking
10 Kip Swings
10 Banded Pull Aparts
10 Banded Row
5:00 Easy Biking

18 Cal Bike // 18 Hand Release Push Ups // 18 Chest TO Bar Pull Ups
-Rest 2:00-
16 Cal Bike // 16 Burpee // 16 Chest To Bar Pull Up
-Rest 2:00-
14 Cal Bike // 14 Squat Thrust Tuck Jumps // 14 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
-Rest 5 Mins Before Next Set-

500m Row
8 @ Each
-Banded Pass Thru
-Banded Trunk Circles
-Banded Good Mornings
- Banded Press + Rip
-Banded Bent Rows
-Banded Pull Aparts

1X :30 @ Each Arm
-Bully Stretch
-Lat Band Stretch
-Scapula Distraction Stretch

Jerk Strength:
*From Rack
3X3 Push Jerk *Building
3X2 Pausing Split Jerk
3X1 Split Jerk

15 Min AMRAP
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Devils Press
400m Run
12 Single Dumbbell Front Squat

20 Cal Row
15 Wall Squats
10 Jump Lunge
5 m Crab Walk

Midline Strength:
100’ Single Arm KB Overhead Carry
10 Single Arm KB Front Rack Step Up
10 KB Side Bend

Every 2:00 X 8 Rounds
21 Cals on Rower
12 Toes To Bar
*Scale Toes to Bar if needed. Rest time should be :30-:25 Per set. Tighter towards the end.

500m Row
8 Single Leg Toe Touches
8 Side Lunges
8 Box Step Ups
:60 Deadbug Hold

Hamstring Primer
3X 8
-Romanian Deadlift 155/105
-Pendlay Row

Deadlift Strength:

Strength WOD;
7 Ring Dips
9 Burpee Over Bar
11 Deadlift 225/135
130’ Sandbag Carry