070920 "Your MicroBiome is not made by Design, but by Adaptation"

Last weekend I got pretty Rowdy on my Mountain Bike and ended up getting injured. The injury sent me to the Emergency Room where the (not so gentle) nurses had to scrub and scrape all the foreign bodies out of my wounds. After this fun experience, the first thing they Did was give me a shot of antibiotics and a vial of them to go home with. While I do want to keep the bad bacteria out of my wounds, I also know that antibiotics can absolutely decimate your GUT BACTERIA. So… Ive been passing on the meds.

While some of you are thinking Im stupid for this, I must urge you to understand that my GUT Microbiome is something that I have worked hard to develop just like my strength and endurance. This is because WE DETERMINE the contents and quantities of Bacterial Types in the GUT! Today as science looks to athletes for guidance on how to get people healthier; essentially how to create a little pill that can be given to sick people to help them with a variety of symptoms; I land on the side of ADAPTATION rather than DESIGN.

These are the top 6 factors that influence the health of your GUT;
1. Age.
2. Genetics.
3. Drug use.
4. Smoking.
5. Diet.
6. Stress levels.

Your GUT bacteria is as unique and individual as you are as a human. Going back to literally HOW you were born and if you nursed from your mother or not has a lot to do with the contents of your GUT is adulthood. There are BILLIONS of Bacteria in your GUT, some good and some bad. Bacteria are intelligent creatures that have been around much longer than we have and ADAPT to our GUT environment in order to stay alive.

As you can surely reason, this is why healthy individuals that choose a lifestyle of good diet and exercise will tend to have less health problems than those who choose to eat and live poorly. The science community studying the GUT are now in trials and doing research to see how long the ADAPTATION in the GUT takes. Companies like FITBIOMICS are currently in studies on elite athletes from all different sports to see how training type and frequency have a hand in cultivating a specific type of biome.

Just as Physiological development takes time through training in the gym and in sport, so does the Changes in GUT bacteria. Rather than bulging muscles in training, Bacteria adjust themselves in their ability to thrive in specific Ph levels as well as their ability to process carbohydrates. This process of adaptation assists the body in synthesizing nutrients, maintaining optimal blood glucose levels, and decreases inflammation.

So as you reach for a magic GUT pill or ‘probiotics’ in the store, just know that your GUT is made through training and time; Just as good health is a product of small choices. Keep on the path of a healthy lifestyle and you will find happiness both inside and out. Ill be here to support you the entire way.

Programming Notes 9/7-9/11 *** This week we begin to build on strength in the bottom of the squat with some isometric Holds at the bottom. Shoulder stability on Wednesday and anaerobic work on Friday.
10 Walking Elbow To Instep Lunge
10 Marching High Kicks
10 Barbell Tempo Squats
10 Deadbug Contra Lateral Reach

Squat Flow: Squat Flow: Kang Squat, Internal Rotation, Ankle Roll Out, Bootstraps, PNF Stretch, Squat W/ T Spine Stretch

Pausing Front Squat
*Pause for :03 at each rep

15 Front Squat 115/75
15 Burpee Over Box

Agility Warm Up @ 10m Each
High Knee Pull 
Quad Pull 
Squat 180 **stepping the leg high over hip, swing opposite leg to 180, squat
High Knees
Butt kickers
Marching High Kicks
Straight leg shuffles
A Skip
B Skip
Fig 4 Drill
Lateral Shuffle 
Lateral Bounding
Sprint W/ Change of Direction

Shoulder Mobility:
1:00 @ Each
-Lat Banded Stretch
-Bully Stretch
-Scapula Distraction Stretch

Midline Strength:
20 Weighted Sit Up
150’ Sandbag Carry

400m Run
21 Chest To Bar
400m Run
21 Toes To Bar

Row 500m
8 Banded Pass Thru
8 Banded Supine Pull Aparts
8 Banded Prone Pull Aparts
8 Banded Trunk Twists

Primal Strength (Unilateral)
8 X (4 Per Arm)
10 X Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Row
100m Single Arm Overhead DB Carry
10 X Single Leg Deadlift

30 Reps for Time
Clean + 2 Push Jerks @ 135/95
—Every time you break and set bar down, ROW 250m .—

8 Divebomber Push Ups
8 Foot Elevated Lunge Jumps
:20 Deadhang
8 Squats
8 Push Ups

Monostructural Conditioning:
Every :90 X 6
30 Cal Bike

For Time
100 Double Unders
40 Cal Bike
200m Farmer Carry (2X 53# KBs)
100 Double Unders
30 Cal Bike
150m Farmer Carry
100 Double Unders
20 Cal Bike
100m Farmer Carry

400m Run
10 Single Leg toe Touch
10 Side Lunge
10 Deadbug Ipsalateral Reach
5 Squat Jumps

Hamstring Primer:
Romanian Deadlift 135/95
Pendlay Row

Every :90 X 9
5 Sets X 5 Reps @ 70%
2 Sets X 3 Reps @ 75%
2 Sets X 2 Reps @ 80%

Anaerobic Work:
2X 5 Min AMRAP
A- 14 Front Rack Lunges 95/65 // 14 Burpee
-Rest 2:00-
B- 14 Snatch 95/65 // 14 Sit Up